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HIPC transcriptional profiling data standard

The HIPC Data Standards Working group proposes the following data standard for transcriptional profiling (microarray and RNA-seq) data:

NOTE: In cases where it is not possible to make raw data publicly available, processed data can be deposited into GEO without an accompanying raw data submission. In this case, the following statement should be added to the GEO records: "The summitter declares that the raw data cannot be made available via any mechanism due to patient privacy concerns."

ImmPort will link to these data using the Experiment Sample templates, which will include:

RECOMMENDATION: After ImmPort data submission, the GEO metadata in the SOFT file should be updated to include a link back to the data in ImmPort . This will make users of GEO aware that related data is available through ImmPort. This should be done by including the tag: !Sample_ImmPort_expsamp_acc = ImmPort ExperimentSample ID

See NIH Genomic Data Sharing and examples of Data Repositories and Trusted Partners